Airservices provides safe, secure, efficient, and environmentally-sustainable services to the aviation industry.
We are responsible for Australia’s airspace management, aeronautical information, aviation communications, navigation aids and technology, flight path changes, and Aviation Rescue Fire Fighting Services.
Our highly trained people achieve this by using state of the art technology, systems and processes.

Australian airspace
Airservices manages 11% of the world’s airspace. Our area of operations covers the Australian Flight Information Region which includes the nation’s sovereign airspace and international airspace over the surrounding oceans including the FIR’s of the Solomon Islands and Nauru.
We are responsible for the airspace stretching in latitude from two degrees to 90 degrees south; and in longitude from 75 degrees to 163 degrees east.
This is an area of almost 20 million sq nautical miles (51.7 million sq kms) – or some 11% of the world’s total airspace.
How we manage
Australia's Airspace
Each year we manage over 4 million aircraft movements and 160 million passenger movements.
Passenger movements in FY2023
Staff across Australia
Aircraft movements in FY2023
Safely manage 11% of the world's airspace

Airservices delivers our services from 29 air traffic control towers, two major air traffic services centres and 27 Aviation Rescue Fire Fighting Services.
More information about
Aircraft operations
Download our latest resources
View the latest fact sheets, reports, and other resources.
Work with us
Airservices is at the forefront of Australian aviation. We are uniquely connected to all parts of the industry and offer exciting and innovative work across a range of operational and corporate roles.
Career paths on offer at Airservices include
Air Traffic Control, Aviation Rescue Fire Fighting, information technology, corporate support and more.