Noise Complaints and Information Service (NCIS)

Airservices Australia seeks to minimise the impact of aircraft operations on communities where safe and compliant with aviation rules. We recognise that aircraft noise can be disturbing for some people and regularly review aircraft noise complaints and the outcome of flight path and airspace changes to identify possible improvements.

Our Noise Complaints and Information Service (NCIS) is available to answer your questions about aircraft operations and to record complaints about aircraft noise. While we are not able to immediately stop an operation that may be of concern, we can investigate it, explain why it happened and tell you if there is an opportunity to consider an improvement. Where a potential improvement opportunity is identified, we can progress this for further investigation.

When you contact us, please provide your contact details including email address so we can send you a written response and any updates relevant to your location. Provide as much information about your complaint or enquiry as possible, including your suburb so we can identify the operation your enquiry is about.

We ask that you treat our people with respect.

If you feel negatively impacted by aircraft noise, you could consider reaching out to one of the following support services:

  • Lifeline 24 hr Counselling Service: 13 11 14
  • Beyond Blue: 1300 224 636

Airservices Australia has extended our internal counselling program to any community member who is feeling negatively affected by aircraft noise. This is a confidential service, free of charge to community members, and is provided completely independent of Airservices Australia. All personal details will be kept confidential. More information is available here. If requested, please use “organisation code” AIRSUPPORT and if asked for a “division” please use Community Support.

Temporary changes in operations

Avalon VIC 28 to 30 March 2025

The Avalon International Air Show will be held 28 March to 30 March 2025.

Showcasing the latest in aviation, aerospace, defence and space technologies, the show will include public flying displays in the areas surrounding the Avalon Airport. Specialist aircraft will be undertaking various manoeuvres and aerobatics in the area during this time.

Residents in the Avalon and surrounding areas may notice low flying specialist and military aircraft overhead during this time.

Further information is available at

Brisbane Airport QLD 11 & 12 February 2025

Due to required works at Brisbane Airport the two runways will be closed on alternate days as below:
• Legacy Runway 01Right/19Left closed on Tuesday 11 February between 10am and 4pm
• New Parallel Runway 01Left/19Right on Wednesday 12 February between 10am and 3:30pm
Aircraft will operate on the other open runway during these times.

Canberra Airport ACT 18 February 2025

The Civil Aviation Safety Authority will be conducting navigation aid testing at and around Canberra Airport on Tuesday 18 February. Residents may observe a twin-engine aircraft flying a low and unusual flight pattern up to 50 kilometres from the airport on this day.

Perth Airport WA 3 February to 1 March 2025

Due to required works at the airport the runways will be closed at various times between Monday 3 February and Saturday 1 March:
• Monday 3 February to Saturday 15 February 2025, the north/south runway, Runway 03/21, between 7:30am and 5:30pm
• Monday 17 February to Saturday 22 February 2025, the north/south runway, Runway 03/21, between 7:30am and 5:30pm
• Monday 24 February to Saturday 1 March 2025, the north/south runway, Runway 03/21, between 7:30am and 5:30pm
• Friday 7 February and Friday 28 February 2025, the cross runway, Runway 06/24, between 7:30am and 5:30pm
Further information can be found on the Perth Airport website at

Melbourne Airport VIC 10 February 2025

Due to required works at the airport the north/south runway, Runway 16/34, will be closed between 1am and 6am on Monday 10 February. All aircraft will operate on the east/west runway during this time.

Melbourne Airport VIC 11 to 12 February 2025

Due to required works at the airport the east/west runway, Runway 09/27, will be closed between 10am and 4pm on Tuesday 11 February and Wednesday 12 February. All aircraft will operate on the north/south runway during these times.

Melbourne Airport VIC 18 to 19 February 2025

Due to required works at the airport the east/west runway, Runway 09/27, will be closed between 10am and 4pm on Tuesday 18 February and Wednesday 19 February. All aircraft will operate on the north/south runway during these times.

Sydney Airport NSW 1 January to 31 March 2025

Due to required works at the airport the longer north/south runway, Runway 16 Right / 34 Left, will be closed during the curfew for up to 18 nights between 1 January 2025 to 31 March 2025. Aircraft will be permitted to depart off Runway 16 Left and land on Runway 34 Right during these times.

Sydney Airport NSW 20 February 2025

The Civil Aviation Safety Authority will be conducting navigation aid testing at and around Sydney Airport on Thursday 20 February. Residents may observe a twin-engine aircraft flying a low and unusual flight pattern up to 50 kilometres from the airport on this day.

Sydney Airport NSW

Due to ongoing works at Sydney Airport the east/west runway, Runway 07/25, is closed between 7am and 5pm Monday to Friday, for the foreseeable future unless required for aircraft operations due to weather concerns.
More information on the works can be found on the Sydney Airport website at or by contacting Sydney Airport directly via the below methods:
• Phone: (02) 9667 6182 or 0409 072 436,
• Email:

By phone

1800 802 584 (freecall)

10am - 4pm (Sydney time)

Mon - Fri (excluding public holidays)

By post

Noise Complaints and Information Service

PO Box 211

Mascot NSW 1460

Interpreter logo

Do you need assistance?

Interpreter assistance

If you need assistance, please contact the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 131 450.

TIS is a free service that provides access to a telephone interpreter in many different languages.


Other complaints

NCIS is the Australian aviation industry’s main interface on civil aircraft noise and related issues for the community.

If you have an enquiry or complaint about military aircraft visit the Department of Defence website.

If you have a complaint that does not relate to aircraft noise, visit the Australian Government’s Aviation Complaints website to find the right place to direct your complaint.

Person on a laptop.

Frequently Asked Questions